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Lowongan Earn & Learn Aktivitas Taman Simalem Resort - Lowongan EARN & LEARN PROGRAM Taman Simalem Resort Terbaru April 2018. Taman Simalem Resort is the Indonesian word for garden or park and Simalem ¡n the ethnic Batak Karo language means pleasant, the exuberant feeling that visitors experience once they enter the resort. Located on the north-western hills of Lake Toba, visitors are ¡n for a perennial treat of fresh and cool mountain air, the natural unspoilt scenery and a breath-taking view of the lake. The resort can be reached ¡n 2.5 hours drive from Medan, the provincial capital of North Sumatera. Within an area of more than 200ha, Taman Simalem Resort offers wide-ranging activities for visitors. It is home to Indonesia’s largest Loquat farm and is also North Sumatera’s largest Passion Fruit Farm. An extremely challenging 9-hole par 34 golf course is set amidst coffee and tea plantations. The resort offers a wide range of accomodation from campsites to lodges with lake views and cottages in the jungle. Taman Simalem Resort is developed by PT Merek lndah Lestari, an associated company of Hotel Sibayak Internasional Berastagi, North Sumatera’s first 4-star resort, in partnership with Nexus Investment Pte Ltd, a Singapore investment company.

Kami PT. Merek Indah Lestari (Taman Simalam Resort) membuka kegiatan berguru dan bekerja dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

Program Inovatif Simalem Training Center menyiapkan dan mendapat tenaga produktif yg profesional bidang perhotelan.

Fasilitas & Keuntungan Peserta yg lulus seleksi :
  • Mengikuti CBT, Competency Based Training 4 Bulan
  • On the job pembinaan 6 Bulan
  • Ikatan dinas 10 Bulan, (menandatangani kontrak)
  • Penginapan (Employees Housing Taman Simalem Resort)
  • Makan
  • Uji kompetensi dan sertifikat
  • Uang saku selama on the job pembinaan dan ikatan dinas

Persyaratan :
  • Warga Negara Indonesia
  • Lulusan SMU/atau sederajat
  • Laki-laki / Perempuan
  • Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun
  • Membayar uang deposit 1 juta rupiah (bakal dikembalikan sehabis kegiatan selesai)

Hanya untuk 20 orang peserta

Silahkan menghubungi :

DENNY - 0812 8058 7700

Taman Simalem Resort
Jl. Raya Merek - Sidikalang Km. 9
Sidikalang, Kodon-Kodon, Merek
Kab. Dairi, Sumatera Utara 22212

  • Pendaftaran dibuka hingga tanggal 30 April 2018

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